Developing an effective content marketing strategy isn’t as easy as it sounds. It requires doing your homework, figuring out what your audience is interested in and what keywords are going to attract them to your work. 93% of B2B & 86% of B2C marketers are using content marketing as the most important part of their digital strategy, which means what you post on your website, blog and social media profiles contribute to your audience’s perception of your brand. The content you share provides your target market something to talk about, especially when marketed correctly. There are a few free content marketing tips that are worth considering.

We know what you’re thinking: that all sounds costly. Well, it can be. But here are a few ways to produce high-quality content and market them for next to nothing out of pocket. Once you’ve studied your audience and come up with the content you want to share you can easily devote the time to curate it.

Top Content Marketing Tips you should know about


If your website doesn’t have a blog you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to get your brand seen. Blogging TipsOptimizing your blog content with SEO keywords is the best and easiest way to get your rank higher with search engines. So how do you use keywords properly? It’s simple. Blog about your industry. Focus on questions that will allow you to naturally incorporate phrases and vocabulary your audience is most likely to use into your content.

Of course you have to remember that even the most optimized blog won’t get much traffic if you fail to post on a regular basis. Now, we’re not talking about once a week or four times a month. Posting at least three to four times a week is optimal when making sure that your content creation efforts are noticed.

It also doesn’t hurt to comment on other blogs. It not only does it get you more traffic and exposure it also counts as a backlink.

Use Social Media 

use social mediaSocial media is a must nowadays, especially when you want to engage with your audience. But you already knew that. What you might not know is that social media provides the biggest boost to your content when posting it to your social platforms. Creating engaging content when talking about your blog, simply posting the blog title and a link won’t likely get you very far.  When you send out social media updates, make sure that you include a great image that is compelling and can help to gain some likes and shares. And don’t forget a hashtag on appropriate channels. Hashtags = gold.

But, just remember that not all content is right for every platform. Distributing and sharing content on social media through the right social channel is very important. Plan separate content strategies for each social channel. This will reduce the risk of losing out on conversions to your website and blog.

Share Content More Than Once 

Something that is easily overlooked with content marketing is sharing content more than once. With theContent Marketing - Digital Lagos amount of news and shares that pop up in people’s newsfeed it’s easy to miss a post or two. Don’t be afraid to share your content more than once. Maybe post an update on a blog you wrote at the beginning of the month and reshare the same content at the end of the month as well. This will increase your chances of getting fresh eyes to read your content.

Start an Opt-in List

Create an opt in list on your website and offer something of value – ‘ a call to action’ free report, free consultation, etc. This will give your audience an incentive to sign up for your list and expose your content to them. From there your list can be sent emails detailing your latest blog or any relevant news. But remember to include social sharing links for optimal exposure.

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