

Benefits of being on digitalLagos

Enhanced Listing

Your enhance listing features include live video streaming, agency page, agency detail panel, company profile tab, press release, case studies tab, video showrell and video link tab generating more leads and sales to your business


Your own unique shop window with your images and product details, along with your link to website if you have one, making it easier for the online customer to enquire and make purchase. 

Product & Service Information

Display detailed company information for customers to make contact including telephone, postal, and email address

Online registration

Our online registration and login ensure that your work and profile is kept up to date and as appealing as possible for potential future clients, and customers.


The gallery section includes current and past project of your company available online anywhere or anytime, potential clients will find you easily, browse portfolio and showreel.

Direct link to your website

Your enhance listing,include company logo in full color to make your enhance listing stand out and web site hyper link to drive traffic back to your website generating more leads and sales for your business

Live Video Streaming

Ability to communicate through video conferencing. Guests will be able to see and hear your audio, videos, or presentations. Within seconds, streaming media begins showing them what sets you apart. Admit it, streaming on with all the other creative professionals feels pretty good.


Online directory of agency(s) Nigeria

As an agency listed in the directory, you will also benefit from:

  • Regular inclusion in digitallagos monthly newsletter to over 10,000 marketing professionals. 
  • Ability to login anytime to update profile/campaign.
  • A platform that take zero cut from any business you receive


Company contact details

Display a list of company's contact details, including telephone number, postal and email address. The platform makes it easy to take back control over your online advertising strategy.

Email enquiry Hyperlink

Online customer will be able to e-mail request for more information.The e-mail Enquiry hyperlink opens their own email software and puts your email address in the recipient's address,they can then e-mail you a message


We register keyword with search engines to help increase exposure and ensure your business and creative media publications .We also participate at many major art fairs and trade conferences

Continuous national promotion 

We constantly work to secure page coverage in a wide range of consumer,business and creative media publications. We also participate at many major art fairs and trade conferences.