Want to share your knowledge and skills with others? The best way to do this is to create a training video. Digitallagos presents a step-by-step guide on how to make training video with your own efforts. Let’s check it out!

1. Define the Message

When it comes to training video, a clear message is a MUST. Your video should not just teach something but have a specific message for the viewer. You probably have tons of knowledge to share, but you do not need to store these tons in one video. You need to know what you want to show. In social media marketing, training video should have a clear message, which must be delivered to the viewer successfully.

2. Choose a Style

The next step is choosing the style for your training video. It should correspond not only to your topic, but also to the preferences of the target audience, its age, goals, and so on. There is a large number of styles for training videos: animated videos, screencasts, interviews, stories, and so on.

3. Know a Problem of the Target Audience

Know the needs and problems of your target audience. Before you create a training video, you must conduct a detailed analysis of your potential viewers. Perhaps they do not know what they want, but you need to know this instead of them.

We said you should know what you want to show. In our case, this is only the first half of the video marketing strategy. The second half is that you need to know what your viewer wants to see. This is the so-called content core. It is the main guarantee of the success of the training video.

training video

4. Propose a Solution to the Problem

So, after defining the content core of your online marketing, you know your own goals and the target audience’s goals. You know that viewers will watch your video because they have a certain problem. Your training video should offer a solution to this problem. Like everything else, it should be clear and concise. In fact, any training video is a solution to a particular problem, but not every video content can offer this solution correctly. Be sure to pay enough attention to this issue.

5. Do not Forget about Video and Sound Quality

No training video will be successful if it has poor video or audio quality. Even if all of the above conditions are met well. Modern viewers are very whimsical and demanding, especially when it comes to the quality of the digital marketing content. Now no one is surprised if the video has a 4K resolution or a sound in the Dolby Digital format. Take the time to make your educational video shine like a diamond.

6. Be Brief and Consistent

Do not make videos long. It will be good if you keep within 10 minutes. But in any case, do not create a training video for more than 20 minutes! Viewers will get scared of this number and will look for a shorter video. We also recommend that you carefully plan your words so that you can be as short and consistent as possible. Be sure to speak slowly and have a clear statement.

7. Be Sure to Add the Appropriate CTA

Believe or not, your video will not make sense if it does not have CTA. At the end of the video, be sure to invite the viewer to do some action: write a comment, subscribe to your channel, and express opinion, and so on.


Well, here we have analyzed 5 basic steps to creating a successful training video. Remember the main points: have a clear goal and message, know the needs of the target audience, pay enough attention to the quality, choose the appropriate style, be short and add CTA. It’s easier said than done. But you need to try, experiment and achieve success.

Remember that we are always happy to help you in this difficult matter – creating training videos.

Contact digitallagos.tv now!

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